Lesson Structure
Our Tested & Proven Method!
ISR swim instruction is for children 6 months to 6 years with all one-on-one instruction. Lessons are conducted 5 days a week (Monday through Friday), at a maximum of 10 minutes a day, for approximately 6-8 weeks. Each child has their own consistent lesson time daily.
Our Swim Services

Rollback to Float
(Infants 6 mo old to Early Walkers)
The rollback to float program teaches your baby to independently turn themselves onto their back if ever face down in the water to safely breathe, rest, and float on their back until help arrives.

(Early Walkers)
With swim-rollback-float lessons, your child can swim underwater until they need to breathe, roll to their back to rest, breathe, and float until rescued by an adult.
(Solid Walkers & Runners)
The swim-float-swim program teaches your child to swim underwater until they need to breathe, roll to their back for a few breaths, then swim starting the sequence again until they reach the pool steps, side of the pool, or the shoreline.

Refresher Lessons
Refresher lessons are extremely important in continuing and maintaining your child's ISR Self-Rescue® skill development. Children grow and develop rapidly from infants to toddlers and young children. This development process represents improved strength, coordination, and a more finely tuned cognitive ability. In accordance with this growth, children enrolled in ISR return periodically to participate in Refresher Lessons.
Lesson Fees
New Students
•New Student Weekly Lesson fee - $100
•New Student Registration - $105
Refresher Students
Previous students returning to Lauren,
please enjoy 20% off your lesson fees.
I appreciate your continued support <3
•Refresher Students Returning to Lauren - $80 weekly
•Refresher Students new to Lauren - $100 weekly
•Refresher Student Annual Registration - $40
•New or Returning Private Lessons​ Inquire Here